Dementia and Your Loved One
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Dementia and Your Loved One

I've been a caretaker of an elderly woman with dementia for over two years. I've seen the effects of this mental affliction, and how devastating it can be to loved ones. This is why I am a firm believer in seeking a professional diagnosis, so the patient may receive necessary care and treatment. Once diagnosed at the onset of symptoms, a plan can be devised. Through social interaction and daily care, my charge has achieved a higher quality of life. If your loved one has been diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer's disease, you can make a difference. Love will find a way.

Dementia and Your Loved One

4 Signs That Indicate The Need For An Apointment With Your Urologist

Vickie Armstrong

It is important to make sure that you are keeping up with your health, especially when it comes to anything regarding your bladder. Therefore, you should set aside a couple of minutes to review the following four signs that you need to an appointment with your urologist.

You Are Noticing Blood

Even the smallest amount of blood in your urine is a sign that you need to be checked out by a medically professional. If you go to visit your primary care doctor, he or she may run a test to confirm whether there is indeed blood in your urine, but will most likely still refer you to a urologist for further testing and a diagnosis. Blood in your urine could be a sign of anything from a severe bladder infection that was not promptly treated to bladder cancer.

Excessive Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is nothing to brush off. Of course, some women can naturally experience a small problem with urinary leakage when they sneeze or cough after having children. However, if you are having trouble holding back the flow of urine on a regular basis, then you should seek immediate medical attention. There are many causes of this problem, some of which can be very easy to treat, so you do not want to waste time.

Frequent Urges To Eliminate Your Bladder

Whether you truly have to expel a lot of urine or not, the urge to do so a lot is a potential sign of trouble. Therefore, if you are finding that you are running to the bathroom to urinate a lot more than usual, you will want to set an appointment. It could be nothing more than a urinary tract infection, but even that can turn into a very serious issue if you are not careful to have the problem resolved as soon as possible.

Noticeable Lumps Or Pain In Your Testes

Men who experience pain or who find a lump in their testes need to be seen by a urologist as soon as possible. Such symptoms could be a sign of testicular cancer. Luckily, testicular cancer is one of the cancers that has a very high survival rate when it is detected and treated early. In fact, the 5-year survival rate is as high as 99 percent, which is remarkable.

Now, with those four signs in mind, you should find it very easy to determine whether you need to make an appointment with a urologist like Dr. Matthew Bui.
