Dementia and Your Loved One
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Dementia and Your Loved One

I've been a caretaker of an elderly woman with dementia for over two years. I've seen the effects of this mental affliction, and how devastating it can be to loved ones. This is why I am a firm believer in seeking a professional diagnosis, so the patient may receive necessary care and treatment. Once diagnosed at the onset of symptoms, a plan can be devised. Through social interaction and daily care, my charge has achieved a higher quality of life. If your loved one has been diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer's disease, you can make a difference. Love will find a way.

Dementia and Your Loved One

Success With The HCG Diet: 3 Ways To Pamper Yourself During Phase 2

Vickie Armstrong

When you enter Phase 2 of the HCG diet, it's time to begin restricting your calories and meal ingredients. Starting this phase can often make you feel like you're entering a long period of punishment or discomfort.

But there are 3 ways to treat yourself to some happiness in Phase 2:

1) Be prepared for the changes your new diet will bring.

Because you may be radically altering your normal eating habits when you begin phase 2, your body may respond in some uncomfortable ways.

Some people become constipated. This can be solved by keeping yourself super-hydrated. Make sure you have a glass of water or iced green tea to sip on throughout the day. Mild laxatives may be helpful in more stubborn cases. But don't be surprised if you don't have a bowel movement each day. When you cut calories, it also cuts down on the waste out.

You may feel dizzy, weak or achy for a few days, as your body adjusts and purges. Over-the-counter analgesics help. Be sure to take a multivitamin so you don't experience leg cramping or other signs of vitamin or mineral deficiency.

If you're queasy, crystallized ginger is very helpful, as are herbal teas. Be sure to have pain relievers, soothing teas and ginger root on hand so you're prepared for any discomfort.

2) Get creative with the ingredients.

Nothing will distract you from sticking with Phase 2 more than forcing yourself to eat bland, tasteless, unsatisfying food.

Sure, you may have to fudge the rules a bit, but spinach greens and strawberries make a fine salad, and fish baked with tomatoes is divine.

Other HCG dieters have formulated their own recipes, using the recommended ingredients to make everything from beef enchiladas to Kung Pao chicken.

If you're used to eating out of boredom, use your extra time to design and plan recipes that you enjoy. You'll savor the food so much more when you can add your own spices and cooking methods to others' recipes.

3) Baby yourself in ways that don't involve food.

Since your body will be using Phase 2 to clear toxins, help it by taking mineral soaks or by enjoying a sauna or steam bath. Doing this regularly will help sweat out harmful agents and will help keep your skin clear and fresh.

Allow yourself the luxury of a massage every now and then. Take naps when you feel tired, and enjoy some down time by reading favorite books or watching beloved movies.

If you're afraid you're going to lose your discipline, get out of the house and visit friends who support your weight loss efforts. Treat yourself to a musical, a concert or any other event where food is not the main attraction.

Even purchasing a special set of dishes just for Phase 2 can brighten up this tough period.

While you're on the HCG diet, start a habit of pampering yourself by treating yourself to non-caloric surprises and healthy social activities. Your whole life will change when you take control of your own happiness, no matter what challenges you face. For more information, visit Intermountain HCG.
