Dementia and Your Loved One
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Dementia and Your Loved One

I've been a caretaker of an elderly woman with dementia for over two years. I've seen the effects of this mental affliction, and how devastating it can be to loved ones. This is why I am a firm believer in seeking a professional diagnosis, so the patient may receive necessary care and treatment. Once diagnosed at the onset of symptoms, a plan can be devised. Through social interaction and daily care, my charge has achieved a higher quality of life. If your loved one has been diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer's disease, you can make a difference. Love will find a way.

Dementia and Your Loved One

Home Remedies For Nail Fungus

Vickie Armstrong

Nail fungus can be both gross and painful. You probably want to get rid of it as quickly as possible so that you can walk around without socks and shoes again. Here are some home remedies for getting rid of nail fungus within a short period of time.

1. Use Apple Cider Vinegar

One potential remedy that you can use is apple cider vinegar. This is an especially helpful cure for those who are worried about the fungus spreading from one nail to the others because the vinegar will kill all of the bacteria whenever you use it, severely limiting the chances that it will spread. In order to utilize the effects of apple cider vinegar, take a bowl and fill it halfway with apple cider vinegar. Then, fill the other half with lukewarm water. Stir to mix the liquids together. Then, place the afflicted set of toes into the solution so that they are entirely covered. Soak your toes for between fifteen and thirty minutes each day. You should see a reduction of the nail fungus relatively quickly. Continue soaking your toes each day until the fungus is gone.

2. Use Oil of Oregano

Another option is to use oil of oregano to treat your nail fungus. Take a small bowl and mix a tablespoon of olive oil with two drops of oil of oregano. Apply this mixture to the toe that has the fungus and leave it on for thirty to sixty minutes. Rinse off your toes when you are done. Try to repeat this process once or twice a day. This is a great way to get rid of nail fungus for those whose feet get severely dried out by the apple cider vinegar solution mentioned above. If the mixture is not as effective as you would like, try increasing the amount of oil of oregano to three or four drops, rather than two. This will increase the antibacterial qualities of the mixture.

3. Use Baking Soda

This technique is best for people who have especially smelly feet and want to get rid of the odor, as well as the fungus. Take half of a cup of baking soda, half of a cup of salt, a quarter cup of hydrogen peroxide, and four cups of hot water. Mix these all together. Then, add a quarter cup of white vinegar. Stir until everything is evenly blended. Place your afflicted foot in the solution and allow it to soak for five to ten minutes a few times a day. This is a more potent mixture that will dry your foot out more thoroughly, so make sure that you don't leave it in the mixture for too long.

For more information, talk to a company that specializes in treating nail fungus, like Oregon Foot Clinic or a similar location.
