Dementia and Your Loved One
About Me
Dementia and Your Loved One

I've been a caretaker of an elderly woman with dementia for over two years. I've seen the effects of this mental affliction, and how devastating it can be to loved ones. This is why I am a firm believer in seeking a professional diagnosis, so the patient may receive necessary care and treatment. Once diagnosed at the onset of symptoms, a plan can be devised. Through social interaction and daily care, my charge has achieved a higher quality of life. If your loved one has been diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer's disease, you can make a difference. Love will find a way.

Dementia and Your Loved One

Eating Well During Cancer Treatment

Vickie Armstrong

Fighting cancer is probably the biggest challenge you will ever face in life. In order to help your body help you, it's important to eat properly, especially during treatment procedures. Both chemotherapy and radiation therapy have unpleasant side effects. Palliative care, the branch of healthcare that helps alleviate unpleasant side effects, cope with pain, and stress management, can be useful and can work in conjunction as part of your medical team. Proper nutrition is a part of this. Here are some guidelines for eating well during therapy, especially when you may not always feel like it.

What Chemotherapy And Radiation Therapy Side Effects Affect Appetite?

While these treatments are trying to save your life, the side effects can be less than pleasant. Many cancer patients undergoing treatment experience things like a metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, bloating and gas, foods taste different or you are unable to distinguish salty from sweet, and you may develop mouth sores, making eating difficult. Additionally, the cancer itself and the associated stress may affect your appetite.

What Foods Should Be Eaten?

Any food that you can get down and keep down is a good food to eat while going through treatment. However, there are some things you should aim for. Foods that are high in protein, which will provide you energy, are important. Try to eat fish, meats like beef, lamb, and pork, poultry, eggs, cheese, and legumes. If you are finding you have an issue with bloating and gas, however, you may want to skip any beans. Sometimes when getting food down is difficult, simply drinking full-fat whole milk can see you through. Your doctor can prescribe high protein powders to mix with the milk to provide you extra nutrients, so be sure to let your healthcare team know if you are struggling to eat properly.

What Foods Should Not Be Eaten?

Avoid any processed foods if at all possible. Also, if you find your appetite is lacking, place your focus on foods from the high protein list and skip the carbohydrates. Protein foods have more calories than carbohydrates, and carbohydrates will fill you up with empty calories.

Tips For Eating

  • Eat small, frequent meals
  • If you have mouth sores or difficulty swallowing, choose foods that are soft. Scrambled eggs with cheese, yogurt, pudding made with whole milk, and finely ground meats will provide you the proteins you need while being easier to get down. Avoid spicy foods as well.
  • Avoid alcohol
