Dementia and Your Loved One
About Me
Dementia and Your Loved One

I've been a caretaker of an elderly woman with dementia for over two years. I've seen the effects of this mental affliction, and how devastating it can be to loved ones. This is why I am a firm believer in seeking a professional diagnosis, so the patient may receive necessary care and treatment. Once diagnosed at the onset of symptoms, a plan can be devised. Through social interaction and daily care, my charge has achieved a higher quality of life. If your loved one has been diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer's disease, you can make a difference. Love will find a way.

Dementia and Your Loved One

Worried About Prostate Cancer? Then Consider Limiting Your Tea Intake

Vickie Armstrong

Prostate cancer occurs in a large number of men and is usually quite treatable. That said, you want to prevent its development as much as possible to minimize your risk of complications. As a result, it is critical to understand the possible connection between tea and prostate cancer and what you can do to minimize your risk.

Tea May Be A Factor In Your Prostate Cancer 

More than one study has found that men who drink seven cups or more of tea every day have a 50 percent risk of developing prostate cancer than those who drink zero to three cups per day. While experts aren't sure if tea causes prostate cancer or if people who drink tea simply live longer and increase their chance of cancer, the potential danger is there and must be avoided.

In fact, specialists have also found that people who limit their caffeine to a safer level are less likely to develop cancer. As a result, you may want to switch to either decaffeinated tea or simply drink less tea. White and green tea are naturally free of caffeine and present an interesting alternative for someone who is used to chugging caffeine-rich black tea.

Read the label on your caffeine drinks to see how many milligrams you get with each drink. A safe level is about 400 milligrams or up to six to seven cups of tea. Try to limit yourself to 200 milligrams or less if you are concerned about the development of prostate cancer due to tea consumption. In this way, you can minimize your risk of prostate cancer.

What To Do If You Develop Prostate Cancer

If you develop prostate cancer after a lifetime of heavy tea drinking, it is probably time to switch to water and cut out tea completely from your diet. You then need to get proper treatment methods, depending on the severity of your cancer. Radiation therapy is often a common therapy in early stages and is one that often cuts the problem short.

In this scenario, you may be able to return to drinking tea or at least smaller amounts of it than normal. However, recurring or more serious prostate cancer is going to require surgery and other types of therapy methods to completely remove the tumor. In this scenario, you may be unable to drink tea again for the rest of your life.

So, don't hesitate to contact a prostate cancer specialist if you are a heavy tea drinker and are concerned that your drinking habit may have influenced your health problem. In this way, you can ensure that you catch the disease soon and prevent it from occurring again.
