Dementia and Your Loved One
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Dementia and Your Loved One

I've been a caretaker of an elderly woman with dementia for over two years. I've seen the effects of this mental affliction, and how devastating it can be to loved ones. This is why I am a firm believer in seeking a professional diagnosis, so the patient may receive necessary care and treatment. Once diagnosed at the onset of symptoms, a plan can be devised. Through social interaction and daily care, my charge has achieved a higher quality of life. If your loved one has been diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer's disease, you can make a difference. Love will find a way.

Dementia and Your Loved One

All You Need to Know About PRP Therapy

Vickie Armstrong

PRP has enjoyed immense popularity in the past few years. Professional athletes and celebrities, like Tiger Woods, have used PRP therapy to treat problems like sprained knees. And most of these athletes were able to resume active competition quickly after. If you want to treat any injuries or alleviate pain and wonder if PRP is an ideal option, this article is for you.

What is PRP Therapy?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a treatment option carried out in three primary steps. First, blood gets drawn from a patient. Then the blood undergoes processing and gets injected back to the affected area. So, if you are a patient, PRP injections utilize your healing system to resolve musculoskeletal issues. A significant number of experts consider PRP suitable for quick healing in injured muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments.

Is PRP Different From Stem Cell Therapy?

Medical practitioners administer PRP and stem cell therapy to achieve similar results, including the rejuvenation, regrowth, and regeneration of damaged or injured tissue. However, the two work a little differently. PRP therapy treats conditions that demand a solution that aids regeneration and reduces inflammation to relieve pain. PRP is often used to treat problems like osteoarthritis, surgical supplementation, and facials and skin regeneration. On the other hand, stem cell therapy is effective when a patient's medical condition needs stem cells to differentiate into numerous types and start growing afresh. Some medical conditions treated using stem cell therapy include diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson's disease, and traumatic brain injuries.

Benefits of PRP Therapy

PRP therapy offers you several benefits, including:

1. Faster healing from sports injuries

The US Department of Health and Human Services findings show that around 8.6 million sports injuries occur annually.  Therefore, athletes need treatment solutions that are effective and rapid. If you have sports injuries that require such a solution, PRP therapy is likely to work wonders.

2. Minimal invasion

One feature that makes PRP therapy stand out from other conventional treatment methods is that this option is non-invasive. The whole process only involves the extraction and injection of blood from the patient using injections. That makes PRP ideal for anyone that prefers scar-free outcomes.

Medical Applications of PRP

Here are examples of the various application of PRP.

1. Relief for severe knee pain

Many osteoarthritis patients suffer from crippling knee pain. The reason is because osteoarthritis is responsible for the extreme reduction of a substance that lubricates and cushions joints, known as hyaluronic acid. PRP therapy aids the restoration of this substance's concentration and, therefore, reduces pain and prevents osteoarthritis from becoming worse.

2. Lasting relief for chronic back pain

If degenerative disc disease is causing you chronic back pain, PHP injections can provide immeasurable relief.  Since most older adults experience chronic low back pain, it's essential to include PRP therapy in your plans as you age, even if it's not a problem yet.

For more information, contact a PRP stem cell therapy service near you to learn more.
